Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Killarney, Ireland

This is Ross Castle in Killarney National Park, it was a very huge park and we got lost so it took us about two hours to find this place.
This was taken in Killarney National Park, as you can see it's gorgeous!
This was also in the Blarney Castle... there was a very small opening that I had to crawl through and a pathway that I'm not sure if I was supposed to go in, but I did anyways with my friend Jill and we came to a dead-end. Unfortunate, but still entertaining.
Next stop was the famous Blarney Castle. I know I have a pretty bad picture seeing as it is one on the "must-see" list of Ireland, but the Castle itself was under construction and we weren't allowed to take pictures of us kissing the Blarney Stone because it was done professionally. So my dungeon picture had to be good enough.
My first weekend in Dublin, we went on a 3-day trip over the weekend before we were all going to be stuck behind desks for the remainder of our days in Ireland. Our first stop on the trip was Archbishop McGrath's Cathedral in Killarney. The importance of the Archbishop? I'm not sure, there wasn't really a story from it. But it was a really pretty cathedral and it overlooked a small graveyard.

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