Tuesday, July 6, 2010

"It's hard to soar like eagles when you're working with fuckin' turkeys"- Linton Walsh

It's 10:15 here, so I'm at work waiting for my next assignment for the day. It's taken some getting used to working only with guys not much older than myself. Its hard to catch up to their slang, and they just laugh at me when I say "y'all" even though I don't have much of a Texan accent. Instead of saying "y'all" or "you guys" they say "yous." I've caught on, though. "How ya gettin' on?" is "how are you?" and they never say "bye", it's just "see yous later." And I can't help it, but I've gotten to that point where I start talking in the accent too, so I'm sure it's just deafening to the guys at work to hear me attempt to say anything with an Irish accent. Oh, and another big thing, they cuss a LOT. Words that we think are bad in the American dictionary are used very frequently here. So on the off-chance that I cuss in front of them for one thing or another, it's just a laughing matter. Especially for my boss, Linton. Now, I'm used to being mostly professional where I work (I can't really say working as a waitress at Wings N More is exactly the most professional atmosphere), but here its easy to say that acting professional is NOT normal. Linton, the one you should thank for the brilliant quote that is the title of my blog, cracks me up. He is professional and gets down to business, but he's always messing with me as the American, and when I'm sarcastic right back, he thinks it's funny. The guys around me said that once Linton calls me certain curse words, it means that he likes me. Let's just say I'm fitting in just fine now haha.

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